Thursday, March 24, 2011


For this week, I had to do a theme project. I chose to draw this girl after trying to come up with a theme. I drew multiple versions of her and ended up decided to use the girl as the theme while while using the multiple versions to satisfy the requirements for the project. While I was working on this, I learned about the usefulness of sketch lines, which allow me to draw more efficiently without so much erasing (a real timesaver when drawing humans). Along the way, I deviated a little in the assignment due to my own interests interferring with production. For one thing, I'm turning in four versions of the same theme instead of three, not that's bad. Next time, I will have to come up with a good guess with what is expected before such instructions are told or before I actually follow them. I had to remove and add colors to follow the instructions exactly as told(they told me to use four colors (I used black, white, gray, and turqouise)). Drawing a human may have been the most difficult part, but it became easier after I used the sketch lines. Overall, I had fun with the project and the detail I used to make the girl made it extremely successful. By the way, she is a damaged robot in two of the versions seen here; let's say the other two involve a boy who's turned into a girl.

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